"Dancing is about connections … to our friends, to our families, to our neighbors. It is one of the most expressive ways we celebrate and communicate our cultures and communities. With Dancing Classrooms, we are able to reach children in existing classroom settings and address fundamental issues of mutual respect and self-esteem – issues that social dance puts into practice. We hope to inspire children through dance to do well, to respect one another, to be proud. This program is about more than dance, it is about teaching children to take a bow.”        - Pierre Dulaine & Yvonne Marceau


Dancing Classrooms is intended to be a community effort.  It is dedicated to break down cultural barriers, improve critical thinking and communication skills, empower individuals, and strengthen the community.  The program is not about dance – it is providing children with a set of behavioral skills and social graces that will carry over into all aspects of their lives, giving them the confidence and self-esteem needed to compete in the real world.  As a vehicle for teaching civility and respect for self and others, the program is an antidote to the violence surrounding our schools and communities.

This program changes the lives of not only the children who participate in the program but also the lives of the teachers, parents, and communities who support these children.  The collaborative nature of Dancing Classrooms leads to partnerships between schools, school districts, the business community, and professional artists, non-profit and for profit arts providers, parents with arts experience and parent volunteers.